From Athlete to Coach Program
If you have been an athlete of any sport at the national or international level or started worked as a coach recently and now eager to learn more about coaching, this program is a perfect fit for you. Education includes contact or on-line training days, learning assingments and a practical test.
Having completing the program the participant
- knows the basic skills of learning and teaching
- knows the mechanism of action of human physiology and the principles of biomechanics
- understands the basics of programming
- understands the role of mental coaching as part of coaching
- has begun to develop his coaching philosophy
We have educated Finnish professional coaches in shooting, golf, scooter gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, team gymnastics, alpine, biathlon, cross country skiing, judo, boxing, karate, taekwondo, Thai boxing, basketball, soccer, american football, floorball, hockey, basketball, ringetteur, ringette kayaking, swimming.
When the education is organized in Varala the participants will learn about the work of local sports clubs and professional coaches and will get to know about the national sport federations and Finnish Sports Academy system. The digital teachings methods are very important methods in the program too.
Content of Education
- Personal development and professional growth
- Coaching in theory and practice
- Coaching Philosophy
- Pedagogy -teaching and learning
- Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Physical Testing
- Programming
- Team Building and Communication skills in coaching
For more information contact: Juha Antikainen,